Please submit only ONE proposal per session. If you are presenting with others, one person should take responsibility for collecting all information and completing the form.

An outline of your presentation is required for submission. This should be formatted as an outline and should clearly state three or more learning objectives for what the audience will take from your session. This does not need to include visuals or sample slides and should be a Word document or PDF.

Headshots should be a minimum of 600px x 600px. This photo will be used on the website, in social media, etc.
Bios should be no more than 500 characters and will be used as submitted.

Session title and description will be used as submitted for marketing the conference including the on website, in social media and emails.

The deadline to submit your final presentation is May 5. You will upload your presentation to a Google Drive folder. Accepted formats are Google Presentation or PPTX.

Session Information

RegFox Event Registration Software